- Creates Homeless/Foster page on left hand navigation on student page:
- Created ‘MI Homeless Student and Unaccompanied Youth’ section:
- The fields listed in this section are the same fields that are located in the MI Homeless Student and Unaccompanied Youth Status section on the Demographics Tab of the State/Province-MI page. Changing these values here will also change the values located there.
- Created ‘McKinney Vento Homeless Information’:
- Created subsection ‘Current Homeless Information’
- Added current mckinney vento homeless field, eligibility date, grade level when started, date gained housing, comment
- Created subsection ‘additional information’
- Added backpack supplies, date last received, comment
- Created subsection ‘resources/gift card’
- Added date last received, comment
- Created subsection ‘transportation’
- Added shared transportation agreement, shared district, comment
- Created subsection ‘Former Homeless Information’
- Added formerly mckinney vento homeless field, school year, comment
- Created subsection ‘additional information’
- Added transportation, comment
- Created section called ‘Foster Information’
- Added foster care, placement date 1, 2, 3, and comments for each placement date
Change History
2022.05.11: Inital creation. Adds admin left nav link to new Homeless Foster page.